Thailand Vietnam Socio Economic Panel About News
TVSEP strengthens cooperation on data collection with the Vietnam National University of Agriculture

TVSEP strengthens cooperation on data collection with the Vietnam National University of Agriculture

On May 16-17, 2024, Ulrike Grote, Trung Thanh Nguyen and Manh Hung Do from Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) travelled to Hanoi, Vietnam to visit their new TVSEP project partner, the Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA). After a first meeting of the LUH team with the president of VNUA, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan and MSc Le Thi Bich Lien, Vice Director of International Cooperation Office, a working meeting followed with Prof. Tran Dinh Thao, Director of the Institute of Economics and Development, Dr. Truong Lam Do and Dr. Duy Linh Nguyen, both Lecturers at VNUA. The aim of the meeting was to plan the next household survey in three rural provinces of Vietnam and to agree on the cost and time plan. The discussions were very productive and successful. We are looking forward to some good outcomes still to be achieved this year.