
Data access

TVSEP data are available for scientific research purposes free of charge. If you are interested to use TVSEP data, please read the following points.


  • Please fill in the data request form (see Data request form button below).
  • Household and village questionnaires of each wave can be downloaded under 'Survey documents' (see Survey documents button below). 
  • Upon registration, you will receive the requested data.
  • In order to communicate the origin of the data, you must add the following sentence to your publication: "This study relies on data from the long-term project No. 20220831434900116103, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). For more detailed information, see"
  • Upon successful publication, you are requested to notify this to tvsep.
  • With requesting the data, you agree to all terms and conditions outlined in the 'Confidentiality Agreement' below.

Confidentiality Agreement

  • The recipient agrees to use the data which is freely available, exclusively for the purpose of scientific research within the framework of the research project provided below.
  • The recipient agrees not to pass on the data to third parties without the written consent of the provider.
  • The recipient agrees not to make any effort to identify individuals from the information provided by the data.
  • The recipient agrees to notify the origin of the data by adding the following sentence to the publication: "This study relies on data from the long-term project No. 20220831434900116103, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). For more detailed information, see"
  • The recipient agrees to inform the provider about the publication of the research using the data provided by notifying to
Go to data request form:

*) I hereby agree to all terms and conditions outlined above.